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Lead Data Engineer Brit Insurance
Lead Data Engineer
Brit Insurance
Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
Lead Data Engineer
London, United Kingdom
May 2022 - Present
If the future was predictable, there would be no risk and if change was linear, there’d be no need for experts. There’d be no need for the insurance industry. But the truth is, the world we live in is unpredictable. It’s volatile, uncertain, and subject to change. At Brit, we believe that the uncertainty of the future should never stand in the way of progress. That’s why we exist. To help people and businesses face the future and thrive. Every day, we channel our entrepreneurial expertise to write the most opaque risk that the future holds, embracing the change faced by our clients by delivering a service that’s open, honest, and fair. One that invests in the new products and claims delivery they need in a world of complex risk. We are dedicated to innovation, developing client solutions, efficient capital vehicles and a technology-led service that not only lead the market, but drive the future. Investing in distribution so that we can deliver market-leading analytics to further deepen our relationships with key partners, and investing in our people, so we can amplify the integrity, agility and innovation that define our shared future. So if you’re our partner, broker or an employee we make you this promise: we won’t just react to change, we’ll create it for the better. We won’t just write risk, we’ll write the future. Let’s do it together.
Lead Data Engineer
Coventry, United Kingdom
September 2020 - April 2022
Data Engineer
London, United Kingdom
January 2020 - September 2020
Abhishek Gupta | Lead Data Engineer | Brit Insurance | Milton Keynes, United Kingdom | a*** | +44 *** |
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Manage everything via one platform. Your team, your clients, your leads, everything – Using just the Dashboard.