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Site Manager Julius Rutherfoord & Co
Site Manager
Julius Rutherfoord & Co
Kensington, United Kingdom
Site Manager
London, United Kingdom
- Present
Meticulous and motivated, we are the secure commercial cleaning experts. For almost 30 years we’ve been passionate about providing professional cleaning services to some of the most prestigious organisations in the London area. Our focus is clear: to support facilities directors and managers in delivering a spotless environment at the beginning of, and throughout, the working day. For our clients, there are concrete benefits to our approach. We have wholeheartedly embraced technology to improve the transparency and quality of the expert service we deliver. We’re passionate about supporting our staff, with training, personal development plans and fair pay. It’s no accident that our staff retention rates are more than three times the industry average. That retained expertise puts us in a better position to deliver high standards over the long term. And, on an individual level, our staff are motivated to perform. They will go the extra mile for you.
Ana Llumigusin | Site Manager | Julius Rutherfoord & Co | Kensington, United Kingdom | a*** | +44 *** |
Kaspr will display your prospect’s contact information the moment you visit their LinkedIn profile. Quick! Isn’t it?
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Manage everything via one platform. Your team, your clients, your leads, everything – Using just the Dashboard.