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Senior Marketing Executive
Senior Marketing Executive
London, United Kingdom
Senior Marketing Executive
London, United Kingdom
November 2022 - Present
Montash is a leading, global technology recruitment partner that has placed IT professionals across the UK and Europe and provide recruitment. We are dedicated to providing top tier talent across a range of industries. Our market knowledge allows us to recruit the very best talent within Information Security, SAP, Cloud and Software Tech, Microsoft Dynamics and other IT specialisms to support SME’s and large corporates with their transformation projects and recruitment needs. To bring the right candidates to meet the needs of our clients, we take the time to understand our clients' culture and brand. We believe in the power of lasting relationships and use a range of talent attraction tools to find the right person for the right job. Our consultants are IT experts. Their industry knowledge gives them a deeper understanding of the roles our clients need filled and the nature of the work required. Our passionate experts keep a finger on the pulse of the market to remain up to date in the fast-moving world of information technology. Technology is our exclusive speciality and it is this focus that puts us at the forefront of the global technology recruitment market. We are committed to proactively solving recruitment pain points. We help our clients and candidates realise their dreams and potential through industry-leading innovation and service excellence. Montash have a comprehensive understanding of the technology market. We believe in honesty and integrity, the value of lasting partnerships, and providing service excellence. Our dedication to our clients is why 70% of our clients keep coming back to us. We deploy a range of tools to find the best fit for your team: • Consultancy • Competitor Analysis • Market Mapping • Search & Select • Screening & Interviewing • Project Team Hiring • Salary Benchmarking • Advertising Campaigns • Retained Assignments
Marketing Executive
London, United Kingdom
September 2021 - November 2022
Talent Manager
June 2021 - September 2021
Fashion And Culture Writer And Contributer
London, United Kingdom
March 2021 - September 2021
Catrin Brooke | Senior Marketing Executive | Montash | London, United Kingdom | c*** | +44 *** |
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Manage everything via one platform. Your team, your clients, your leads, everything – Using just the Dashboard.