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Marketing and Communications Manager Dudley Council
Marketing and Communications Manager
Dudley Council
Dudley, United Kingdom
Marketing and Communications Manager
Dudley, United Kingdom
February 2001 - Present
Renowned for providing excellent public services Dudley Council is committed to making sure local people receive the best possible public services. We are here to serve the people of Dudley and work as efficiently as we can to improve the quality of life for everyone. As an organisation we are responsible for spending local people’s money to provide essential services. We fully recognise the seriousness of these obligations. Only by being a truly local council can we fulfil these commitments. Our ambition is: To make Dudley Council amongst the best local authorities in Britain; one we can all be proud of A council that: - regularly punches its weight as one of the largest local authorities in Britain - is at the forefront of new ideas and is one of the most innovative local authorities in Britain - has a solid reputation for delivering excellence for the people it serves A borough of opportunity, where our young people will be able to compete for jobs in a wider and increasingly competitive global economy Our size: Dudley Council is one of the largest metropolitan borough councils in the country, serving more than 300,000 residents. Dudley borough is made up a number of towns including Dudley, Stourbridge, Halesowen and Brierley Hill and the council delivers more than 800 services to its residents.
Clare Marshall | Marketing and Communications Manager | Dudley Council | Dudley, United Kingdom | c*** | +44 *** |
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