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Civil Engineering Curriculum Team Leader
Lakes College
Civil Engineering Curriculum Team Leader
Lakes College
Whitehaven, United Kingdom
Civil Engineering Curriculum Team Leader
Workington, United Kingdom
November 2021 - Present
Lakes College is a fantastic place to study. With approximately 5,500 full and part-time students currently undertaking a wide range of courses and training, it’s needless to say how popular our services are within the local community. Whether you’re here to work towards Higher Education, to pursue your dream job or simply for help progressing further in life, we are here to assist you. Our hope as a college, is to provide you with the best education and training possible. At Lakes College, we work closely with local employers, enabling students to potentially become employed once they have completed their studies as well as building their skills base.
August 2016 - November 2021
Eleanor Fleming | Civil Engineering Curriculum Team Leader | Lakes College | Whitehaven, United Kingdom | e*** | -- |
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