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Recruitment & Operations Manager
Sheridan Ward Recruitment
Recruitment & Operations Manager
Sheridan Ward Recruitment
London, United Kingdom
Recruitment & Operations Manager
Uxbridge, United Kingdom
January 2022 - Present
Sheridan Ward is a leading independent recruitment consultancy based in Uxbridge. We’ve been placing candidates in the right roles since 2002 across eight specialisms. Our ethos? Recruitment is about people, which is why our talented recruitment consultants meet every candidate face-to-face and get to know them properly. We identify their skills and values, and we only put them forward for jobs with companies we feel will be a good fit. Both in terms of capability and culture. We’re with them every step of the way through the recruitment process, ensuring they are fully prepared and showcase their skills effectively. We work in partnership with our SME clients to make sure they get the best results. We spend time finding out about their businesses, how they work, their culture and values. It helps us offer a bespoke, professional service where we supply them with talented, high-quality candidates suited to their company. We have an in-depth knowledge of the local job market, the workforce servicing it and the needs of employers in the area. We place candidates in permanent, temporary and contract roles. We have a register of permanent candidates and a pool of temps available should a company need cover for existing employees or to scale up staff numbers quickly. Like every company, our greatest asset is our employees. We focus on continual improvement, which is why we’ve got a team of the best recruitment consultants in West London. They can spot talent and opportunities where others can’t. Using their considerable skills, they place candidates in positions where they thrive and add value to the company they work for. We build relationships for the long term, working hard to earn loyalty and commitment from both our candidates and clients. There’s nothing we like better than seeing a great company offer an equally great candidate their dream position.
Senior Talent Consultant
May 2018 - December 2021
Recruitment Consultant
January 2016 - May 2018
Branch Administrator
Uxbridge, United States
February 2015 - December 2015
Customer Service And Sales Representative
London, United Kingdom
September 2012 - February 2015
Elle Mchugh | Recruitment & Operations Manager | Sheridan Ward Recruitment | London, United Kingdom | e*** | +44 *** |
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Manage everything via one platform. Your team, your clients, your leads, everything – Using just the Dashboard.