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Electronic Locker Project Manager
Electronic Locker Project Manager
Hemel Hempstead, United Kingdom
Electronic Locker Project Manager
London, United Kingdom
- Present
Spacestor is the creator of workspace furniture that blends California cool with London design. We have learned from our experience working in both cultures with companies like Google, Apple, and Jaguar Land Rover how the workspace environment drives employee engagement and builds culture. Whilst we are experts in lockers, storage, workstations and seating, what really separates us is that this unique mix of products can be customised to create a one-of-a-kind solution for your client. For example, we can provide lockers that have a very particular finish, in any locking strategy you want, and any specific size. Our clients love working with us because we don’t limit you to a preset catalogue or costs of expensive bespoke products. When LinkedIn refurbished seven floors of their London office to motivate and reward staff, we were able to provide them with custom built-in lockers based upon a sports theme. Each locker door had a bespoke graphic of a sports stadium seat where the seat number acted as the locker number. Rabobank went agile and as a result London employees no longer had permanent workstations. In addition, they had remote visitors and temporary contractors. Instead of providing a locker for every person, they used our HotLocker Agile technology to manage locker occupancy thereby reducing the need for lockers by 60% along with the associated costs and floor space. California meditation App provider Headspace wanted to provide their employees with quiet working spaces to promote creativity. We provided acoustically enhanced quiet working pods in array of vibrant colours to reflect their vibe. Regus office centres provide co-working and virtual office rentals in a casual yet state-of-the-art environment. They selected our Zee desk because of its unique blend of aesthetic appeal and bench desk functionality. They reviewed literally every other type of desk and said there was nothing else like Zee on the market.
Ellena O'sullivan | Electronic Locker Project Manager | Spacestor | Hemel Hempstead, United Kingdom | e*** | +44 *** |
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