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Support Manager
Support Manager
Poplar, United Kingdom
Support Manager
Columbia, United States
- Present
SparkPost is the world’s #1 email sender, trusted to send 37% of the world's B2C email. Our data-driven platform optimizes email performance and helps leading enterprises drive top-line results. The SparkPost Email Delivery Platform is built to help your business deliver more value. It has a wide variety of features to choose from. Powerful real-time analysis of your email delivery and customer engagement as well as personalized email templates. You can also pick from any of the numerous APIs to integrate into your communication. With SparkPost, you have everything you need to power your business for greater growth.
Eryck Montes | Support Manager | SparkPost | Poplar, United Kingdom | e*** | +14 *** |
Kaspr will display your prospect’s contact information the moment you visit their LinkedIn profile. Quick! Isn’t it?
Kaspr lets you send automated follow up messages to your leads. Send them on your chosen day and time.
Manage everything via one platform. Your team, your clients, your leads, everything – Using just the Dashboard.