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Security Supervisor
Kings Secure Technologies
Security Supervisor
Kings Secure Technologies
Coventry, United Kingdom
Security Supervisor
Bradford, United Kingdom
- Present
Kings has 50 years of successful trading history operating in industries such as critical national infrastructure and police, data centres, healthcare, transport & distribution, utilities, FM partners, Retail, leisure and food and professional services. Our services include: • Fire Portable Fire Extinguishers A full comprehensive range of portable fire extinguishers and firefighting equipment for all industrial and commercial premises. Emergency Lighting Systems Effective and discreet emergency lighting systems to ensure the safe evacuation of people from buildings in the event of an emergency or power failure. Fire Detection & Life Safety Systems State of the art and innovative fire detection and life safety system solutions to protect people and property from the devastation of fire. • Security CCTV Partnering with market-leading innovators and disruptors to bring the latest technologies, such as facial recognition. Access Control Innovative electronic systems allowing you to control access to your business premises with the latest technology. Integrated Systems Kings can design and install fully integrated security systems comprising of Access Control, CCTV and Intruder Detection. • Support Services Technology Centre: Cutting-edge security technology and round-the-clock monitoring, which actively prevents criminal activity on its customers’ sites. Lone Worker Solutions: Bringing together technical expertise and customer service to protect employees, managers and shareholders from the risks associated with lone and remote working, helping you keep your people safe. • Security Personnel: Patrolling We offer innovative perimeter patrolling solutions that protect your assets and ensure a continuous deterrent. Personnel We provide security personnel to a whole cross-section of industries. Key Holding Our key holding and response service protects your business and its assets from unnecessary risk.
Francis Coulter | Security Supervisor | Kings Secure Technologies | Coventry, United Kingdom | f*** | +44 *** |
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