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Lead Production Technician 4
Lead Production Technician 4
Lochgelly, United Kingdom
Lead Production Technician 4
Quakertown, United States
January 2016 - Present
We SOLVE Your Semiconductor Chamber Tool Parts Cleaning, Coating & Analytical CHALLENGES. 我們為您解決在半導體零部件清洗,塗層和分析測試中 所遇到的挑戰性的問題 Let us show you! 讓我們來告訴您! How to reduce cost-of-ownership 如何降低擁有成本 How cleaner chambers start-up quicker 如何清潔腔室讓設備啟動更快 How to REDUCE INVENTORY with faster part turnaround times 如何以更快的零部件周轉時間減少庫存 How to reduce PM costs by Longer Mean Time Between Cleans (MTBC) 如何以更長的平均清潔頻率(MTBC)提高生產率和降低定期保養成本 How to EXTEND PART LIFE with LESS AGGRESSIVE cleaning methods & re-coating 如何以低侵蝕的清潔方法和重新塗覆延長零部件壽命 How to ensure your parts are ultra-pure VALIDATED by a Certificate of Analysis 如何確保您的零件通過分析證書進行超純淨驗證 Learn more about how QUANTUMCLEAN & CHEMTRACE can help! 了解更多關於QUANTUMCLEAN&CHEMTRACE如何幫助 QuantumClean® are divisions of Quantum Global Technologies, LLC which is headquartered in suburban Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA. QuantumClean is the global leader in sub-10nm outsourced process tool chamber parts cleaning and coating services, tool part life extension and process tool part optimization solutions to the semiconductor wafer fabrication, OEM and OPM industries. Founded in 2000, QuantumClean operates innovative Advanced Technology Cleaning Centers® built on the premise of providing customers process improvement through consistently cleaner parts® that exceed industry standards. These solutions dramatically reduce our customers’ total cost of ownership. With 1,500 employees in 19 Advanced Technology Cleaning Centers located in 8 countries, QuantumClean provides unsurpassed cleaning capability and convenience worldwide.
Production Operator
Glenrothes, United Kingdom
January 2011 - September 2014
Greg Law | Lead Production Technician 4 | QuantumClean | Lochgelly, United Kingdom | g*** | +44 *** |
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