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Area Manager Ascenti
Area Manager
London, United Kingdom
Area Manager
Fareham, United Kingdom
March 2022 - Present
The leading independent provider of physiotherapy and associated services in the UK - helping people to elevate their health and live active lives. We are a dynamic and progressive company - advancing physical therapies by making them more accessible to all, raising standards and improving methodologies. With extensive national coverage, we have over 300 highly trained Ascenti clinicians delivering upwards of 52,000 treatment sessions every month. Enabling people to make headway after illness and injury, step back in to work after accidents, or simply stay active and keep moving forward in their daily lives. As a trusted partner to more than 20 NHS CCG partners and over 400 private businesses, you can depend on us to provide safe and effective treatments that are a cut above.
Jake Wilson | Area Manager | Ascenti | London, United Kingdom | j*** | +44 *** |
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Manage everything via one platform. Your team, your clients, your leads, everything – Using just the Dashboard.