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Brand Leader AllSaints
Brand Leader
United Kingdom
Brand Leader
London, United Kingdom
November 2022 - Present
Established in 1994, AllSaints is a premium British fashion house, best known for its iconic biker jackets, creating clothing and accessories for men and women. AllSaints operates within a culture of innovation and design with an independent spirit, from its East London atelier to the in-house design and construction of AllSaints' digital and physical stores. AllSaints has approximately 3000 employees across 26 countries, curating every aspect of the brand experience. AllSaints collections are available for purchase from 242 stores, including concessions and outlets worldwide and shipped to over 200 countries via AllSaints' e-commerce sites. For more information visit
Store Manager
Manchester, United Kingdom
July 2022 - November 2022
Manchester, United Kingdom
April 2022 - July 2022
Manchester, United Kingdom
August 2021 - March 2022
Kaspr will display your prospect’s contact information the moment you visit their LinkedIn profile. Quick! Isn’t it?
Kaspr lets you send automated follow up messages to your leads. Send them on your chosen day and time.
Manage everything via one platform. Your team, your clients, your leads, everything – Using just the Dashboard.