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Manage everything via one platform. Your team, your clients, your leads, everything – Using just the Dashboard.
Co-Founder And Chief Scientific Officier
Co-Founder And Chief Scientific Officier
Zaragoza, Spain
Co-Founder And Chief Scientific Officier
Zaragoza, Spain
September 2012 - Present
Bitbrain was founded in 2010 as a spin-off company of a research team from the University of Zaragoza, pioneer in approaching brain-computer interface applications outside laboratory investigation settings. Its DNA holds all knowledge in neurotechnology, biomedical engineering, artificial intelligence and data science accumulated at the university since 1998. Nowadays, the R+D+I bet is still strong, which has converted the company in a world reference for B2B neurotechnology solutions.
Associate Professor
Zaragoza, Spain
January 2008 - September 2012
Ramón Y Cajal Post-doc Researcher
Zaragoza, Spain
December 2003 - June 2008
Visiting Researcher
Tübingen, Germany
March 2006 - October 2006
Kaspr will display your prospect’s contact information the moment you visit their LinkedIn profile. Quick! Isn’t it?
Kaspr lets you send automated follow up messages to your leads. Send them on your chosen day and time.
Manage everything via one platform. Your team, your clients, your leads, everything – Using just the Dashboard.