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Solutions Development Manager Herts For Learning Ltd
Solutions Development Manager
Herts For Learning Ltd
Welwyn Garden City, United Kingdom
Solutions Development Manager
Stevenage, United Kingdom
July 2016 - Present
Herts for Learning is the largest school company in the UK. We are a leading provider of school improvement and business support products and services that enable schools, academies and educational settings, in Hertfordshire and worldwide, to deliver a great education. As a collaboratively owned school company, Herts for Learning operates with a not-for-profit ethos. Beyond maintaining sufficient reserves and financing long-term projects, any surplus made is invested in the common good and/or the development of specific new services to address key challenges for our shareholding schools. Since its creation in 2013, Herts for Learning has reinvested £830k in common-good activities. (2019)
Kerry Smith | Solutions Development Manager | Herts For Learning Ltd | Welwyn Garden City, United Kingdom | k*** | +44 *** |
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Manage everything via one platform. Your team, your clients, your leads, everything – Using just the Dashboard.