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Marketing & Communications Manager- Retail Mind
Marketing & Communications Manager- Retail
London, United Kingdom
Marketing & Communications Manager- Retail
London, United Kingdom
October 2019 - Present
We’re Mind, the mental health charity. We believe no one should have to face a mental health problem alone. We’re here for you. Today. Now. We’re on your doorstep, on the end of a phone or online. Whether you’re stressed, depressed or in crisis. We’ll listen, give you support and advice, and fight your corner. And we’ll push for a better deal and respect for everyone experiencing a mental health problem. Please note our LinkedIn page is moderated 10am-6pm Mon-Fri and is not a crisis support service. If you need urgent support for your mental health please contact NHS 111 or the Samaritans on 116 123. Mind's Infoline provides information and support to people experiencing a mental health problem and is open 9am-6pm Mon-Friday except Bank Holidays. The number is 0300 123 3393
Marketing Manager
London, United Kingdom
May 2016 - October 2019
Marketing and Communications Manager
April 2015 - May 2016
Kaspr will display your prospect’s contact information the moment you visit their LinkedIn profile. Quick! Isn’t it?
Kaspr lets you send automated follow up messages to your leads. Send them on your chosen day and time.
Manage everything via one platform. Your team, your clients, your leads, everything – Using just the Dashboard.