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GM LIC Europe
Livestock Improvement Corporation
GM LIC Europe
Livestock Improvement Corporation
United Kingdom
GM LIC Europe
Hamilton, New Zealand
August 1992 - Present
LIC is an agritech and herd improvement co-operative which empowers livestock farmers through the delivery of superior genetics and technology. Headquartered at Newstead, Hamilton, we’ve got more than 800 staff based around New Zealand with offices also located in the United Kingdom, Ireland and Australia. We believe there’s always room for improvement and are one of New Zealand’s largest private investors in Research & Development, at more than 5% of revenue – well above the 1% NZ primary sector average. Our innovation led-growth strategy has an ongoing focus on the core NZ dairy industry and puts our farmers at its heart. Find out more
Mark Ryder | GM LIC Europe | Livestock Improvement Corporation | United Kingdom | m*** | +44 *** |
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