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Senior Residential Asset Manager
The Portman Estate
Senior Residential Asset Manager
The Portman Estate
West End, United Kingdom
Senior Residential Asset Manager
London, United Kingdom
December 2020 - Present
The Portman Estate comprises 110 acres of Marylebone in London’s West End, including frontages to Oxford Street and Baker Street. It covers 69 streets, 650 buildings and four garden squares, containing over 700 directly managed residential units, 290 office units, 150 shops and restaurants, 27 hotels and seven pubs. The Portman Estate is committed to excellence in customer service and aims to be the destination of choice for residents, businesses and visitors, where the buildings exceed market demand and the environment is distinctive, varied and vibrant.
Senior Surveyor
London, United Kingdom
September 2016 - August 2018
Senior Property Manager
April 2013 - September 2016
Martyna Saraci | Senior Residential Asset Manager | The Portman Estate | West End, United Kingdom | m*** | +44 *** |
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