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Principal Clinical Psychologist - Intensive Support Team Clinical Lead- Learning Disabilites
Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust
Principal Clinical Psychologist - Intensive Support Team Clinical Lead- Learning Disabilites
Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust
Liverpool, United Kingdom
Principal Clinical Psychologist - Intensive Support Team Clinical Lead- Learning Disabilites
Liverpool, United Kingdom
January 2019 - Present
Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust provides adult specialist mental health, addiction, learning disability and community health services in North West England and beyond. Our vision is to become the leading organisation in the provision of these services. Quality, recovery and wellbeing are at the heart of everything that we do. We provide specialist inpatient and community mental health, learning disabilities, addiction services and acquired brain injury services for the people of Liverpool, Sefton and Kirkby, Merseyside. We provide community physical health services in Sefton, secure mental health services for the North West of England, the West Midlands and Wales and specialist learning disability services across Lancashire, Greater Manchester, Cheshire and Merseyside. We are one of only three trusts in the country that provide these services.
Clinical Psychologist - Adult Mental Health Step 4
Salford, United Kingdom
June 2015 - November 2018
Clinical Psychologist- Learning Disabilities
Liverpool, United Kingdom
October 2013 - June 2016
+44 5***
+44 2***
Principal Clinical Psychologist - Intensive Support Team Clinical Lead- Learning Disabilites
Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust
Liverpool, United Kingdom
+44 *** +2
Facilities Operations Manager
Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust
St Helens, United Kingdom
+44 *** +2
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Manage everything via one platform. Your team, your clients, your leads, everything – Using just the Dashboard.