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Deputy Director Of Built Environment And Sustainable Technologies (BEST) Research Institute
Liverpool John Moores University
Deputy Director Of Built Environment And Sustainable Technologies (BEST) Research Institute
Liverpool John Moores University
Liverpool, United Kingdom
Deputy Director Of Built Environment And Sustainable Technologies (BEST) Research Institute
Liverpool, United Kingdom
December 2021 - Present
In 1823 the first of several institutions that became Liverpool John Moores University was founded, revolutionising education in Liverpool: those early pioneers have grown into one of the most dynamic universities in the UK, a vibrant community of 23,000 students from over 100 countries, 2,400 staff and 250 degree courses. In the Research Excellence Framework 2014 results 96% of LJMU research was marked as international quality or better, with research impact rated as internationally excellent in all subject areas. With a significant presence in the Liverpool landscape, the University has a deep appreciation of its responsibilities. Students are given full academic and pastoral support throughout their university experience, and the individual contributions of all our staff to the University’s success are highly-valued. We are a university committed to equality, diversity and inclusion: at LJMU, 'everyone is equal, but never the same'.
Reader In Sensor Technologies
Liverpool, United Kingdom
August 2019 - August 2021
Senior Lecturer In Civil Engineering
March 2017 - August 2019
Research Assistant
Liverpool, United Kingdom
January 2016 - March 2017
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