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Chief Operating Officer
Bio-bean Limited
Chief Operating Officer
Bio-bean Limited
London, United Kingdom
Chief Operating Officer
Huntingdon, United Kingdom
February 2021 - Present
bio-bean is the world’s largest recycler of spent coffee grounds, recycling thousands of tonnes annually into sustainable bio-products. The UK drinks 95 million cups of coffee every day, creating up to 500,000 tonnes of spent coffee grounds every year. Typically, these grounds are sent to landfill where they emit greenhouse gases, including methane. Discarding in landfill is not only damaging to our environment, it is also a costly method of waste disposal for businesses due to the UK government’s landfill tax. Working within the existing logistics infrastructure to collect spent coffee grounds from businesses at every scale, we recycle these grounds into sustainable products for a variety of industries. At bio-bean we’re on a mission to reduce waste, reduce emissions and create a real difference for our world by sustainably innovating through coffee waste. As a B Corp™, sustainability is at the heart of everything we do. We’re in it for the long haul, creating impact built to last. Visit to learn more.
Director and CFO
London, United Kingdom
May 2017 - February 2021
Interim Financial Controller
London, United Kingdom
September 2015 - May 2017
Head of Finance & Operations
London, United Kingdom
August 2011 - June 2015
Peter Griffiths | Chief Operating Officer | Bio-bean Limited | London, United Kingdom | p*** | +44 *** |
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