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Education Programme Manager
Breaking Barriers
Education Programme Manager
Breaking Barriers
London, United Kingdom
Education Programme Manager
London, United Kingdom
January 2021 - Present
We are Breaking Barriers: a UK charity that helps refugees to rebuild their lives through education, training and employment. At our weekly advice centres, clients meet with Employment and Integration Advisers who work with them on developing CVs, finding job vacancies, completing application forms, and interview preparation; as well as providing bespoke support tailored to each client’s needs. Through our network of business contacts, we connect people with jobs, training and internships that match their experience. We work with all levels of the labour market, from law firms to catering companies to construction. Are you a refugee? Let us help. There are no pre-conditions to working with us – visit to book an initial appointment Are you a business? Our business and corporate partners recognise the benefits of working with refugees: reduced recruitment costs, remarkably high retention rates, and contribution to corporate responsibility to name just a few. If you’re a business that wants to offer jobs, training or work placements to refugees, or just to find out more about us, visit We believe that everyone is entitled to the same opportunities, regardless of where they come from. Refugees flee to the UK in fear; they flee from persecution; they flee from unimaginable suffering; they flee from war. By offering refugees the same opportunities as everyone else, we can empower them to rebuild their lives.
Education Programme Coordinator
March 2019 - December 2020
Education Officer
London, United Kingdom
May 2018 - February 2019
English Second Language Teacher
September 2015 - July 2016
Sabina Siddiqui | Education Programme Manager | Breaking Barriers | London, United Kingdom | s*** | +44 *** |
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