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Partner And Head Of Children Law Tea
Russell-Cooke Solicitors
Partner And Head Of Children Law Tea
Russell-Cooke Solicitors
London, United Kingdom
Partner And Head Of Children Law Tea
London, United Kingdom
June 2000 - Present
We are a top 100 London-based legal firm with around 200 highly regarded specialist lawyers. We work for a mix of commercial, not-for-profit and private clients. Many Russell-Cooke teams and people are leaders in their fields, winning peer-group accolades in areas as diverse as real estate, regulation, crime and childcare law. The firm is highly rated by legal directories. Our breadth of expertise means we can tackle complex multi-dimensional cases that are beyond the scope of narrowly-based firms of solicitors. A significant proportion of our work comes from referrals from other solicitors or professional firms. We are often called “the lawyers' lawyers”; our institutional clients include the Law Society, ILEX (the Institute of Legal Executives) and over 40 sets of barristers' chambers. We are always interested in considering employment opportunities for talented people, both legal and non-legal, to enhance the service we provide to our clients. Visit our recruitment website to view all of our current vacancies or to make a speculative enquiry - Russell-Cooke LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales (registered number OC327450) and is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.
Samantha Little | Partner And Head Of Children Law Tea | Russell-Cooke Solicitors | London, United Kingdom | s*** | -- |
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