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Logistics Manager Alandale Logistics Limited
Logistics Manager
Alandale Logistics Limited
United Kingdom
Logistics Manager
London, United Kingdom
- Present
Alandale Logistics is part of the Alandale Group of Companies and was formed in 1996 to provide ‘Logistical Services’ to the construction industry. Logistics (in construction terms) provides solutions & support services in several differing areas of the construction process; from the planning & pre-construction phases of a project through to fit-out and completion. The philosophy of our logistical service is to plan and provide practical solutions for all aspects of a construction project to allow it to progress safely, efficiently and cost effectively. Whilst our Logistics management team provide this support service, the client can focus upon the construction and programme methodology of the project. By using our past experiences and knowledge of practical logistics management techniques, we can assist in providing the best possible solutions and management systems for each particular project. Alandale are an ACS approved company with SIA licensed and directly employed security guards. We are members of the Institute of Wastes Management are Link Up and Building Confidence Approved and hold BS EN ISO 9001, 14001 and 18001.
Silvio Dantas | Logistics Manager | Alandale Logistics Limited | United Kingdom | s*** | +44 *** |
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