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Acting CEO, SNIJIB Secretary & HR/IR Manager
Acting CEO, SNIJIB Secretary & HR/IR Manager
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Acting CEO, SNIJIB Secretary & HR/IR Manager
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
- Present
SNIPEF is the Scottish & Northern Ireland Plumbing Employers’ Federation. We are the principal trade association representing the interests of plumbing and heating businesses based in Scotland and Northern Ireland. SNIPEF operates the Plumbing Industry Licensing Scheme, manages the modern apprenticeship scheme for plumbing in Scotland and delivers training in a range of areas. We aim to ensure the highest standards across the plumbing and heating industry in Scotland and Northern Ireland and to assist our members in employing qualified, professional and highly skilled staff. SNIPEF currently has 750 member firms that employ over 3500 plumbers and in addition SNIPEF facilitates the training of 700 plumbing apprentices. The Plumbing Industry Licensing Scheme (PILS) sets out strict quality guidelines for licensed businesses and the scheme’s Customer Charter has a commitment to “Deliver higher standards and improve customer care” as a guiding principle. All SNIPEF Licensed plumbing businesses must employ only properly qualified plumbers and hold suitable insurances and all firms are also subject to regular auditing and inspection of their work. As well as laying down requirements for plumbing businesses the PILS operates an independent complaints procedure and warranty scheme if a customer is unhappy with the work carried out by a SNIPEF member. Established in 1923, SNIPEF has a key role to play in keeping members ahead of the competition and apace of change. Our high standards of professional advice and service are designed to help plumbing businesses improve and develop their business performance. We continue to meet our members' needs by offering a wide range of relevant and practical services.
Stephanie Lowe | Acting CEO, SNIJIB Secretary & HR/IR Manager | SNIPEF | Edinburgh, United Kingdom | s*** | +44 *** |
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