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Managing Editor
International Foundation For Integrated Care
Managing Editor
International Foundation For Integrated Care
Toulouse, France
Managing Editor
Oxford, United Kingdom
- Present
The International Foundation for Integrated Care (IFIC) is a not-for-profit educational membership-based network that crosses organisational and professional boundaries to bring people together to advance the science, knowledge and adoption of integrated care policy and practice. The Foundation seeks to achieve this through the development and exchange of ideas among academics, researchers, managers, clinicians, policy makers and users and carers of services throughout the World. The Foundation’s goal is to provide a unique forum to bring these various perspectives together with the ultimately aim of improving the experience of care for patients, their families and communities, while improving the overall effectiveness of health and care systems. We achieve this by: - publishing the latest integrated care related research, case studies and evidence in our peer-reviewed, open-access Journal - bringing people together to present and hear from the latest research, evidence, innovations and practice at our international conferences - developing people and organisations by providing education and training through our Integrated Care Academy © - undertaking primary research and providing research and evaluation support to integrated care research-based projects - supporting a network of global members so that they might collaborate, share knowledge and ideas and discuss the latest ideas around integrated care We post and update regularly through our LinkedIn Group so be sure to join now to add your voice to the discussions.
Susan Royer | Managing Editor | International Foundation For Integrated Care | Toulouse, France | s*** | +44 *** |
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