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Interim Financial Operations Manager
Action For Children
Interim Financial Operations Manager
Action For Children
United Kingdom
Interim Financial Operations Manager
Watford, United Kingdom
May 2019 - Present
From before they are born until they are into their twenties, we help disadvantaged children across the UK. We do it through practical services and programmes that are proven to work. We help children through fostering or adoption. We intervene early to stop neglect and abuse. We make life better for disabled children. We influence policy and advocate for change. Nearly 7,000 staff and volunteers run over 600 services, from family centres to intensive support services, youth work to residential care homes. From our origins running children’s homes, we have spent over a century working on the front line, developing services that set a lead for others to follow. We work in partnership with other charities, local authorities and health services, and are supported by a broad range of donors, campaigners, experts and specialists. Our work depends on public support. We earn it by showing how every single thing we do makes a difference. Wherever we work all do what’s right, do what’s needed and do what works for children in the UK.
Group Financial Processing Manager
London, United Kingdom
May 2009 - December 2017
Finance Manager (Contract)
London, United Kingdom
April 2008 - March 2009
+44 3***
+44 5***
+44 4***
Children Services Team Leader
Action For Children
Calvert, United Kingdom
+44 *** +20
Children's Service Manager
Action For Children
Rhyl, United Kingdom
+44 *** +21
Regional Estates Manager
Action For Children
Exeter, United Kingdom
+44 *** +19
Interim Financial Operations Manager
Action For Children
United Kingdom
+44 *** +21
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Manage everything via one platform. Your team, your clients, your leads, everything – Using just the Dashboard.