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Chair Of The Board Of Trustees
Jessie May
Chair Of The Board Of Trustees
Jessie May
Bristol, United Kingdom
Chair Of The Board Of Trustees
Bristol, United Kingdom
September 2021 - Present
Jessie May supports families who have children with life limiting illnesses. Children who will sadly not live to reach adulthood. Families with a terminally ill child often find juggling ‘round the clock care with everyday tasks an overwhelming struggle. Parents and their children cannot do the things you and I take for granted; things like having a job, going on a family outing, or simply being able to sleep through the night. Our nurses visit these families in their own homes, providing expert care for terminally ill children. These visits enable parents to step away from their caring responsibilities for a few hours, enabling them to pop out to the shops, help their other children with their homework or simply to sit down and eat dinner. Our service is so special because it enables a parent to have a break, confident that their son or daughter is in the care of someone who understands the complexities of their medical needs, and crucially someone they trust. Jessie May is providing a vital service in the heart of the Bristol community – no other organisation in the Bristol area offers this type of care, including the NHS. In addition to respite care at home, Jessie May also provides nurse’s telephone support, bereavement support, holiday respite sessions and family fun days.
Programme Manager
January 2013 - May 2014
Senior Associate
London, United Kingdom
January 2005 - July 2008
Project Manager
January 1999 - January 2004
Tiggy Atkinson | Chair Of The Board Of Trustees | Jessie May | Bristol, United Kingdom | t*** | +44 *** |
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