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Marketing Communications Manager
The City Academy Hackney
Marketing Communications Manager
The City Academy Hackney
London, United Kingdom
Marketing Communications Manager
London, United Kingdom
November 2022 - Present
The City Academy, Hackney is all about providing a high quality education for young people in Hackney in a secure, supportive environment, raising their aspirations and standards of educational achievement, and building positive partnerships with local people and organisations. The Academy caters for 900 11 to 16-year-old boys and girls of all abilities and all faiths and none, as well as offering 240 sixth-form places. Here traditional values of good behaviour and attendance, high expectation and achievement are combined with a dynamic curriculum, state-of-the-art facilities and innovative teaching so students can enjoy learning and achieve the highest standards both academically and personally. As well as offering a strong core curriculum and broad subject choice, the Academy has specialisms in business and financial services. Supported by the expertise and business links of our sponsors, KPMG and The City of London Corporation, the specialisms are a focus throughout the curriculum and help students develop the skills and confidence they need to move into higher education or work and to become valued, responsible members of the local community. We want the Academy to be a centre for excellence and a centre of learning and activity for the whole community. By sharing our knowledge and skills, encouraging each other, learning from experiences and celebrating successes, our students, their families, the local community, our staff and sponsors will work together to achieve these goals.
Financial Investor
London, United Kingdom
February 2021 - November 2022
Head of Communications and Marketing
London, United Kingdom
April 2022 - August 2022
Tyreek Litchmore-Singh | Marketing Communications Manager | The City Academy Hackney | London, United Kingdom | t*** | +44 *** |
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