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Chief Executive Officer
Civil Service Insurance Society
Chief Executive Officer
Civil Service Insurance Society
Kingswood, United Kingdom
Chief Executive Officer
Maidstone, United Kingdom
June 2020 - Present
A 'Not for Profit' organisation Throughout the last century we have proudly maintained our status as a 'Not for Profit Organisation', and our charity has continued the tradition of donating profits to deserving charitable causes within the Civil and Public Service 'umbrella', such as The Charity for Civil Servants, BT Benevolent Fund and The Rowland Hill Fund. No shareholders - no unnecessary costs We are a Society with no shareholders or owners, and can therefore maximise the donations to our charity.
Wendy Hilder | Chief Executive Officer | Civil Service Insurance Society | Kingswood, United Kingdom | w*** | +44 *** |
Kaspr will display your prospect’s contact information the moment you visit their LinkedIn profile. Quick! Isn’t it?
Kaspr lets you send automated follow up messages to your leads. Send them on your chosen day and time.
Manage everything via one platform. Your team, your clients, your leads, everything – Using just the Dashboard.