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Fair Ways
Fair Ways
Talgarth, United Kingdom
Southampton, Dominica
November 2021 - Present
Fair Ways delivers a comprehensive range of services to children and young people, including social care, support, training and education services. The majority of the organisation’s profits are reinvested in the business in order to achieve its social purpose and deliver its charitable objectives. Residential services include Residential Children’s Homes, a Residential Family Centre, a Crisis Intervention Centre and Post 16 Homes to assist transition to independent living. Education services provide two specialist Schools and a Community Outreach Service. Fostering offers a range of options from Respite to Long Term placements. Our Specialist Fostering services provides an alternate to Residential care by providing placements in a family setting with highly skilled carers. Training is a core value for Fair Ways. We invest heavily in internal and external training for staff and carers, delivering over 9000 internal training hours last year. Fair Ways provides a continuum of care, offering specialist interventions for children and families at the high end of the spectrum of need.
February 2017 - November 2019
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