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Assistant Team Manager
Father Hudson S Care
Assistant Team Manager
Father Hudson S Care
Newcastle-under-Lyme, United Kingdom
Assistant Team Manager
Birmingham, United Kingdom
January 2023 - Present
Father Hudson’s Care supports people in need throughout Staffordshire, Worcestershire, Warwickshire, Oxfordshire and the West Midlands county, helping them to improve their lives. We provide residential care for older people and those with dementia; bungalows for adults with complex needs; domiciliary care for adults with learning disabilities; and supported living apartments for people who need assistance to live independently within their homes. We run a day service which hosts a wide range of activities for people with physical and learning disabilities. We operate New Routes fostering agency; recruiting, training and supporting foster parents for looked-after children. New Routes is a family-centred service that puts children and young people at the heart of its work. Our Origins service supports people whose lives have been affected by adoption through the society, child migration schemes, and those who were raised in the society’s former children’s homes. We offer a tracing service and can act as an intermediary in arranging reunions. In collaboration with others we run community-based projects, reaching out to people in great need. These include advice and practical support to at-risk women and families, people living in poverty, homeless people, and support for families affected by domestic violence or substance abuse. We also work with a number of schools to provide support for families. Father Hudson’s Care is the working name of the Father Hudson’s society, which has supported vulnerable people since its foundation in 1902. As the Social Care Agency of the Catholic Archdiocese of Birmingham, our mission is driven by Christ’s command to “love one another as I have loved you.” Our services are open to all, irrespective of beliefs, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation or marital status. To find out more visit or call us on 01675 434000. Follow us on Twitter @FatherHudsons and on
Family Support Worker
- January 2023
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