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Inspiring people to read, learn and enjoy culture.
Inspire is a Community Benefit Society which delivers a great range of cultural, library and learning services across Nottinghamshire and beyond. We inspire our customers through fantastic opportunities to enjoy our services in these areas: Arts – development of arts opportunities for and with communities, and targeted arts work with young people through County Youth Arts. Learning - providing adult community learning and targeted skills work for young people through Community Learning and Skills service. Nottinghamshire Public Libraries - giving access to a range of reading, information, learning, cultural and heritage resources and services throughout our sixty libraries. Education Library Service (ELS) – providing a specialist library service for schools and nurseries Prison Libraries – running Whatton Prison. Nottinghamshire Music Hub - providing great opportunities for young people to participate in great quality music activities and learning. Instrumental and Music Teaching – providing instrumental and whole class music teaching in schools. Nottinghamshire Archives – acquiring, preserving and providing public access to documents from 1155 to the present day. Records Management Service – provides a corporate service to manage the semi-current paper records of Nottinghamshire County Council.
Nottingham, United Kingdom
Inspire Culture Learning And Libraries
Public libraries, Cultural services, Learning services, Music services, Arts
Alison Sisson | Lead Tutor | Inspire Culture Learning And Libraries | Moira, United Kingdom | a*** | +44 6*** |
Inspire Culture Learning And Libraries | Libraries | Nottingham, United Kingdom | 500-1000 | See company details | See employee details |
Inspire Culture Learning And Libraries has 126 employees.
Inspire Culture Learning And Libraries was founded in 2016.
Inspire Culture Learning And Libraries's LinkedIn page currently has 751 followers.
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